The spoken Rosary The structure of the Rosary, its very foundation, is the Prayers. I encourage you to review them, and even paraphrase them to think about and understand what each sentence means. From there, consider whether the prayer is one of adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and / or supplication. The Rosary was given to St. Dominic […]
Why Pray The Rosary?
Praying the Rosary the way it was intended to be prayed can be an intensely more personal conversation with God.
I hope you begin to uncover the mysteries of the Holy Rosary – so that when you pray it, you remember what He did for you and you open your hearts to discover Him. So that you remember to petition and thank and adore Him, remembering always that you want His will to be done – His plan for your salvation is what you want in your life.
The Rosary helps us focus our hearts, our minds, intentions, intellect and feelings on our one true God. God did give us free will and by praying we make the choice to reach out to Him and rely on Him. Praying the Rosary also encourages us and allows us to take it to the next level by contemplating the life of Jesus Christ. One of the optional concluding prayers says it best with the phrase "by meditating on the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary, may we imitate what they contain." That is my prayer for each of you.
Sometimes people consider the Rosary boring because it’s repetitive. Because the Rosary does have some repetition, touching a new bead, or starting a new prayer is a gentle reminder to focus again on the prayers, the mysteries and our intentions.
With the Rosary we are fully involved. We speak the words, we hear them, we touch the beads, and we think about the meaning of the prayers while contemplating the life of Jesus Christ and all He has done for us and how His will is working in our lives.
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The Workshop ~ The interior portion of the Rosary
Meditating on the Mysteries The 20 mysteries contained in the Rosary are Bible stories that everyone is familiar with from the life of Jesus and Mary and are chronological. With the Rosary, we focus on Him and we meditate on His life in order to apply those life lessons to our own lives; we strive […]
Hail Mary
Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Here are my thoughts … … We ask Mary to pray for us […]
Fifth Joyful Mystery: Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52 Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple – Having lost Jesus, Mary and Joseph seek Him. After three days they find Him in the Temple talking with the learned men. Resolution – I desire trust in the sure knowledge that we are safe within the will of God. I will fulfill my daily duties. […]
Sources and Resources
Workshop Materials If you’d like to promote the Rosary with a workshop, feel free to use this downloadable material. The Leader Guide and Participant Workbook can be printed two-sided and the workshop can be completed in one hour. 2020 Leader Guide 2020 Participant Workbook Feel free to download the documents for free! Alternately, if you […]